Saturday, March 07, 2009


And here's a link to my Kerala Cruise story in OUTLOOK TRAVELLER. It'll fill in the details in the background of the sketches I posted here. I am sure there are many more pictures in the print-version than there are on-line, so it may be worth hunting down a copy and buying/borrowing it.

I meanwhile, am ELSEWHERE. I've just spent the past ten days working at a print-making studio and living as a guest in a most charming apartment but there's a reason why I'm not revealing where I am -- and of course the reason cannot be revealed either! Sometimes I think I missed my calling, which was to be an undercover agent. I am constantly trying to cover my tracks in case ... well ... in case I'm discovered by friends who might have thought I was elsewhere. It's got to the point where I have NO friends, ANYWHERE mainly because I spend so much of my time ducking out of sight. Ah well. C'est la vie. Or ma vie, at any rate


Nikhil Narayanan said...

Buddhism died much later than the period you mentioned.


Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Oh oops! When did it die? I could write to the mag and say so. They could include it as a correction in a later issue.

Nikhil Narayanan said...

From what I have read it was during 8-9th century that the decline of Buddhism and Jainism happened in Kerala.
He revivedHinduism.
By 11-12th centuries,these religions were out of Kerala.

You may check the internet or ask someone before mailing the magazine.


Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Tx! I'll look into it.

Unknown said...

hi ms. mp. hope all is well. heh check out
best gt

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Oo! GREAT story! Would almost be worth losing a limb for ... uhh ... well, I guess not quite. But still: loved that story. re-affirms my faith in neurons.

Unknown said...

heh not to worry - you lose a limb - we'll help you look 4 it...... or at least provide u with a mirror! (i vaguely remember a borges story of a kingdom where the monarch tried to restrict the population by - amongst other measures banning mirrors from the kingdom!) regards gt

Anonymous said...

oh!that pearl spot is what i have twice everyday since i discovered it a few days ago! a request: can you share the recipe?

i am absolutely fascinated by your description of the photographer and his reaction to the experience...

there should have been a murder aboard,really,to spice things up a little...

Anonymous said...

i am stealing that "limbs" story to put on my blog! hope you don't mind...

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Hi again, Abhimanyu ... glad to have provided a little amusement in this dark world ... *chuckle*.

As for "stealing" links, it's not considered a steal if you mention sources. But maybe you haven't ... ? Ah well. I might have to arrange a cyber-flogging in that case.

Anonymous said...

i mentioned,i mentioned!!

still waiting for the recipe...(or you don't want to share?)

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

No -- I'm perfectly willing to share the recipe, but I've hidden it out of reach for the moment! You'll have to wait till I am inspired to go digging in my notes to find it again.

Unknown said...

apparently if you take information from only one source - it can be considered as "plagiarism" but if you get it from several sources - its called a "report"!.....but, more seriously though - can the word "plagiarism" be applied to stuff other than written materials? gt