Guess who's been flirting outrageously with JAI ARJUN SINGH of Business Standard? None other than my unpredictable friend (umm ... okay, we have a slightly more intimate relationship, but I won't embarrass her) SUKI. She agreed to be interviewed for Saturday's (June 18th) weekend supplement of BizStan -- it was all done in perfect virtuality -- Jai sent along his questions and a photograph, Suki obliged him rather more familiarly than I would have expected. *sigh* She always was a difficult character ...

*bows and tries to hide a sheepish grin*
Have been visiting your blog quite often. Never knew it was the writer of "harvest". Geez. Feeling stupid.
Thou art great!!! Loved that play - it was staged in Vellore, where i stay, a few years back. Amazing.
Sowie - really never knew.
*Retreating in awe*
*accepting tributes graciously, while feeling, as always, faintly squeamish about it all*
Tanx, yaar! Am astonished to hear the ol' play was performed in Vellore. Had NO idea ...
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