Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Madras,14-02-2010 My sister and niece pose for a picture just before the Event -- nope, NOT a wedding, though it looks like one! It was a family blessing, to celebrate the marriage which took place on the first of January this year. I'll post more pix to a SnapFish album later this week. It was a very pleasant occasion and much amusement was had by all.


Paul said...

They look like typical Chennai women. Not aliens at all !! Are you sure its the same family ?

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Hi Paul -- you've been silent a long while I notice -- and suddenly THREE comments! How nice.

As to my sister and niece well ... why should they look like aliens?? One did her medical degree in Madras and the other has probably spent more time in Madras than in any other city outside the US! Their costume however is NOT Tamilian but Malayali -- or anyway, as Malayali as my family manages to be.

Paul said...

The waist ornament, I'd thought, was part of the Keralite Muslim culture.
Never mind! Your sister has grayed graciously.

My laptop was giving me trouble for the last three months or so. My battery was worn out and completely useless. And the modem kept going off whenever the adapter was plugged in to the power line. I took it (in fact,twice) to the imbeciles who'd sold me the adapter 3 months ago, but they said the problem was with the modem. I wasted 1,300 Rs. on a new modem, but the problem persisted. At last I found that the power required for the lap was 3.9 amps where as their adapter was of 4.5 amps. The third time I took it to them this fact penetrated their dull heads and they gave me a replacement. That explains my absence. (But there's a secret glee within me that my absence, shall we say, was conspicuous!)

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Well, at least you got it sorted out! Apparently computer repair personal are all clones of one another. As for being missed -- well, what do you expect?? We bloggers are a caring lot ... esp when the number of regular visitors can be counted on the fingers of ONE HAND! *grin* Yup, we notice!

Paul said...

Well, as a matter of fact, I had begun to take note of you while a student in college (and that was about 25 years ago). The college was MCC and I was replanted there quite unexpectedly, severing ties with the language and cultural milieu I was accostumed to.This was just about the same time I was taking note of O.V.Vijayan and Paul Sacharia, two fellow Keralites who were writing well in Malayalam and reasonably well in English too. The fact that you had your roots (if one can call them "roots") in my home state had something to do with my compulsion to take note of the things you wrote and drew. This was when I read somewhere that you did not think stories with "morals" were not a very good idea for children. This was a nagging suspician I had been carrying in my mind too, for quite a while. But I noticed that your trips to Kerala were few and far between. And that there wasn't much of a brouhaha in the media when you came down. (Not surprised. After all whenever you reached Coinbatore you had thought you touched base.)Well, good to connect, at least now. And good to see people like gt posting comments.

Anonymous said...

k? gt posting comment