Monday, June 01, 2009

Ms Malcontent Sez ... #4



Paul said...

I don't know how you're going to take this. I have only read a few write ups you did in some mag or the other and seen some cartoons by you(again in some mag or the other). I remember something about a frog. Vijayan was my idol. But something stuck in my mind about you a few years (read 20 years) ago. Somewhere I read you do not believe children should be taught stories with morals.

And I've remembered you ever since. And I felt there was plenty of sense in what you said.

Now coming to your latest post, well, sort of repetitive and hence monotonous, isn't it?

I'm sure there will be those who think differently.

Anonymous said...

i must say that quite like the vibrant colors - & the notion th@ not everything should necessarily have a moral (read sunsets). btw - i thought of you ms. mag when i saw this video - hope u can reach it. hint hint - mebbe 1 day you cud do something like this on a phone - what a way 2 do some snazzy advertising huh? best gt

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Paul -- yes, I can remember making that statement -- prob made it more than once. And also it's totally okay to diss (= show disapproval of) the show here any time you want. I don't have any particular planz for Ms Malcontent. I do not want to spend hours producing her (or any other characters who may appear) so the feature will always be whatever I can produce in under an hour. And if/when I get bored of doing it, I'll stop.

gt -- cool vid! Yes, I can now catch vid on my computer coz there's wifi in the house -- and the owner of the account has generously allowed us access. So we are zipping along, in our tiny ways (the computer itself is a little fella but with an uptodate graphics card). As for being able to produce that kind item well ... I wish! I still favour pencil, paper, paint and canvas over electronic media, but there are some levels at which I can enjoy them too.

Anonymous said...

i love the colours and the humour! please,please,keep it coming; i like a cartoon strip after a long time...

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Ahoy Abhimanyu k Singh! Ms Malcontent hears ya ...