Thursday, March 16, 2006


COMMENT moderation rocks! I am having such a great time zapping the lice just at the point when they dangle their little suckers online. YOW! It's toooo much. I get so energized that I've even been enjoying backing into the archives to zap the resident spam-lice out of existence -- KA-CHOOOONG! Zowie! zappapapapapaZAP! Ka-BLOOOOIEEEEE!! Great sense of empowerment. Highly recommended.

Alas, I have also managed to lose one of the legitimate comments that was posted at the site. That's what happens when an over-ardent comment-moderator hits the zap-button too often. Sorry, and I'll be more careful da next time.

Also highly recommended, Bembo Zoo, sent to me by my friend Anvar -- if your eyes have been starved for candy, this site offers a feast of clever dainties. Please note, that's BEMBO, as in the typeface, and not BIMBO as in a species of nubile human.


Sue said...

Something tells me you love Calvin and Hobbes... could it be the "Ka-BLOOOOIEEEEE"?

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Good point! Calvin has obviously infiltrated my noise-generating programme! Thanks for noticing.

Anonymous said...

You are lucky. People hardly ever comment on my blog.

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Hi Toe Knee! Hmmmm. It's not exactly "lucky" to get masses of spam! But it's certainly invigorating to zap 'em. I Ka-POWWWED seven today! What a thrill.

Anonymous said...

ms. mp -regarding your earlier spam blues i recall whilst you were still embryonic viz blogging you made the astute comment that the info u throw in2 cyberspace will persist much after your demise. i daresay 1 day way in2 the future some curious cyber dude will be snipping away all your blogs - and criticisms - deriving whoknowswhat - and thats part of my motivation to write in here - wanna be riding on your coat tails! btw ucsd is involved in setting up a "brain" mother of computers that will hold all sorts of info about diseases etc that i know through my better 3/4ths since she is involved in it - point is that here we witness the genesis of a future hal. humans are merely one of the stepping stones in the evolution of computers if we dont blow up this planet with our shithead ideas ------ gt

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Haha -- it's always good 2 know the particular brand of slef-interest that a friend subscribes 2! Well, whatever yr reasons for posting, yr offerings here are greatly appreciated. After all, how many people do I know who are part of future-HAL's ancestry?? (ans: none)