Thursday, September 01, 2005

Third Bulletin

This morning I caught up with a very friendly review of SUKI that appeared in this week's Sunday Magazine section of The Hindu (I imagine it appeared only in Madras, but I could be wrong). Naturally, I can't help thinking very warmly of the reviewer, whom I don't know -- if she's reading this, THANKS! Reviews like that makes it all worthwhile -- "it" being defined as all the sleepless nights and cut-and-paste days that went into putting the book together and all the years of wondering why I ever bothered to produce a strip that hardly anyone read.

Meanwhile, here in Sayre, we received several showers and even a bit of thunder, courtesty Katrina yesterday and the day before. But the sun's out now and the trees are murmuring and the birds busy at their feeding pavilion in the backgarden. My sister's home is one of the prettiest ones at which I regularly stay and I LOVE being here. Aside from being immersed in the STAR WARS saga (I have not yet finished ploughing through the mass of background detail -- I have learnt, to my surprise, that the first movie, that brilliant, unforgettable first introduction to a new way of looking at the galaxy, was embattled all the way to the theatres. It gives one hope -- however wan it may be -- that even the most astounding successes have had to struggle massively before they get the recognition they deserve. Amazing also to see the young George Lucas! A terminal-case nerd! Despite which ...) the three of us in this household spend our final waking hours watching the first season of "24" on DVD. I've only ever caught odd episodes of the second season, so it's very cool to watch the whole thing in excruciating realtime, with NO COMMERCIALS. We watch three episodes at a time (so ... yes ... three hours) and get to bed feeling drained. Totally cool.


DhiRAj SinGh said...

Dunno whether it is extreme modesty or ivory tower hubris that makes you wonder whether SUKI was read. If it's the latter lemme assure you that she WAS read and appreciated--sometimes like a irritatingly close friend. The only drawback was that sometimes she got 'chick-literated'. Guess she couldn't help the way she was drawn (like jessica rabbit). Here's a humble suggestion: why don't you give us an older, wiser and perhaps menopausal Suki!!

S said...

my first visit here... Suki IS cooL! And a LOT of people read Suki. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lady M, You and the cast of HARVEST are in my thoughts this week. Look forward to catching up when you head back into the Big Apple. Lots of love always, Lady Libra

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Whoaaa -- I look away for two days and suddenly, lights-camera-COMMENTS!

Am currently in Swarthmore -- the show (HARVEST) is scheduled for two nights from now -- and I don't want to say or do anything in advance of it -- it is currently in that delicate condition where the weight of a feather could damage its complexion. So I am tip-toeing around it, trying not to breathe ...

More when I'm not attempting to be sensitive (difficult for me at the best of times). Thnx all, for your comments -- especially re SUKI. Is it modesty or ivory tower? Hmmm. I think it was just ignorance. There was never the slightest indication that SUKI was being read -- until I stopped producing the strip. But I've carried on at boring length already, several times over, about the lack of response, so ... nuff said. And NO, Suki will never be older or wiser. Thank goodness.