Monday, March 21, 2005

A New Link

It's been a while since I posted any new links in the column on the right -- but there's one there now (or SHOULD be ... haven't checked yet) for ANOTHER SUBCONTINENT. Of course I've only just managed to realize that I should've posted a link long ago -- the reason I've realized it now is that AS has very generously offered to host an wwwexhibition of my prints at their site. It's not ready for visitors yet, but will be very soon -- another day or so, I think.

Since I've been working nonstop on the drawings for my little book, I've offered very little support to ARNAB CHAKLADAR, whose idea it was to have the show, aside from sending him a CD of the work(and I took forever to get around to doing that too ...). So what you see there, once it's up, is entirely due to the midnight oil expended by the team at AS -- I don't know if the "team" is actually just Arnab or whether there are others too, but the site works very smoothly and I'm delighted with the way the pix look.

Meanwhile, my illustrations are DONE -- they should've been done four days ago, but since last Wednesday we've had two very interesting live-in guests -- Ian, who was here earlier, but had gone away on a bike-back trip in South India, with his friend Inji (this is a deliberate misspelling of her Turkish name, but that's how it's pronounced) whom he had arranged to meet in Bangalore -- both flew in to India from Turkey, where they live. They've been great to have around and on Saturday night, made us a Turkish dinner -- vegetarian and delicious -- and left the following morning for the hills. They didn't do anything to distract me, but I quickly realized that there's more to life than just sitting at a desk ... Right. So I got distracted and finally finished work only last night. I am now erasing pencil marks, whiting out mistakes and wallowing in the pleasurable aftermath of one more job completed. The book (a Puffin pub) is called "UNPRINCESS!" (yes, with the exclamation mark) and should be out in May.


Arjun said...

WOw! What a name! Think it could do with a few more more exclamtion marks!

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Haha -- wait till you see the book ...

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Hmmmmmm. Not sure I like having a site-promotional message forced on my COMMENTS space ... I'm going to leave this one in for the time being, but am giving notice that I'll remove any others that crop up. I understand the logic -- if you have a cause you want others to support, you want to post your site-address in places where you think they'll be seen.

But to post a promotional message without requesting permission is very similar to spam -- something forced upon a site-owner, with no permission being asked or given. NOT nice.

Arjun said...

...Well, shocked to see the state of my earlier comment! Looks like some monster has eaten away all my sense of language!

Anonymous said...

an old irish saying that the best way to deal with an anonymous letter - is to leave it unopened was ignored by me and i checked out the spam spammer spammerro. total trash. the general "whine" seems to be that the poo' dahlings got ragged at iit! gosh! self's alma mater! and ironically, when i was put in a similar situation, i resorted to the standard push shove and shout routine that quickly got me out of trouble with the boys - and into the fire with the authorities.

the world thanxs u for the online exhibition. i have ofcourse promptly disobeyed all instructions - and have made myself a marvelous power point slide show of your art (not that i am "suggesting" anyone on how to short change you)!

i loved the lizard lady styled set. reminded me a bit of mervyn peake -a guy you turned me on to many many many moons ago (mumbai circa mid 70s when it was still bombay!).

heh wow, its fabulous stuff that u r doing ma'm! keep it up!
just another fan - gt

Anonymous said...

an old irish saying that the best way to deal with an anonymous letter - is to leave it unopened was ignored by me and i checked out the spam spammer spammerro. total trash. the general "whine" seems to be that the poo' dahlings got ragged at iit! gosh! self's alma mater! and ironically, when i was put in a similar situation, i resorted to the standard push shove and shout routine that quickly got me out of trouble with the boys - and into the fire with the authorities.

the world thanxs u for the online exhibition. i have ofcourse promptly disobeyed all instructions - and have made myself a marvelous power point slide show of your art (not that i am "suggesting" anyone on how to short change you)!

i loved the lizard lady styled set. reminded me a bit of mervyn peake -a guy you turned me on to many many many moons ago (mumbai circa mid 70s when it was still bombay!).

heh wow, its fabulous stuff that u r doing ma'm! keep it up! just another fan - gt

Anonymous said...

ok - the doubling took place because i first logged in as an anonymous user - and then, the cyber bug made me do "log in and publish" instead of "preview". that gave an empty screen as though asking for the message. this made me think - shucks lost all that stuff - when in reality it is actually registered into the site. so i re entered - publish and see that i have yet again made an ass of myself! gt

Manjula Padmanabhan said...

Hola, gt -- no time this life will you savour the pleasure of being "an ass", okay? Alas you're too smart for that ... I am thinking of the weird little trick you showed us in Delhi, shining a laser-light through a bit of film and ... well, u know the rest. I'm never very sure, with your stuff, whether or not it has already passed into the stuff of whisper-reality.

As for the doubling up, it seems to be a familiar issue in this part of the universe. Happens to the best of us right alongside the wurst -- and now I am distracted with the thought of tasty German sausages ...

Anonymous said...

wurster than wurst is 2 think of those deutsche bratwurst minus their accompanying pilsner and pils brews - which naturally works wonders in the doubling direction hitherto referred by u in para 2.

still spending money to do business rather than vice versa though i guess. but we trudge on... ("we" as in me and my debt)! same as some famous bloke who said "i am living so far apart from my income that we can be said to be technically living apart". gt